Our hosting have the feature which make easy for developer to deploy the projects.
Choose your plan Or Chat with an expert |
For Medium Business |
Ngorongoro Popular
For Hign Traffic Business |
For Large Business |
Price |
Tsh. 55,000 /YearGet Started |
Tsh. 92,000 /YearGet Started |
Tsh. 110,000 /YearGet Started |
Number of Websites |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Bandwidth |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Email Accounts |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
RAID-10 Storage |
1 GB | 2 GB | 5 GB |
Subdomains |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Physical Memory |
1 | 1 | 1 |
MySQL Databases |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Solid State Drive Speed Boost |
Reinforced DDoS Protection |
99.9% Uptime Commitment (Ultra-Reliable Hosting) |
CloudLinux OS |
Softaculous (1-Click Drupal, WordPress & Joomla Install) |
Spam Protection |
Webmail (Horde & RoundCube) |
PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 (Choose Your Version) |
MySQL 5.6 |
Apache 2.4 |
PERL 5.10 |
PostgreSQL 9.6 |
Python v2.6, 2.7, 3.2 or 3.7 |
Ruby 1.8 |
Pre-Installed phpMyAdmin & phpPgAdmin |
SSH Access & Rsync |
Node.js |
Git, CVS, Subversion & Mercurial |
CloudFlare Free CDN (Avg. 200% Faster Page Load) |
Anycast DNS |
64 GB RAM Server Minimum |
24/7 Support |